Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kayak fishing

Cameron and I started kayaking back before I went to vet school.  We both loved the water and being out on a boat, but living in Auburn was not very conducive to that lifestyle.  So we decided to take up kayaking.  We primarily went on the Coosa & Tallapoosa Rivers, but the kayaks did make the trip to the Gulf a couple times.  Unfortunately once the vet school craziness started, kayaking took a back-seat.  We tried to go occasionally during the summers when I was off, but not nearly as much as we wanted.  Once in Mobile, boat trips took precedent so the kayaks continued to sit.  Recently, Cameron started getting the itch again.  Except now he's decided to fish from the kayak.  He figured out he could get to the Theodore Canal straight from work and fish for a couple hours before I ever get home.  I'm glad he's getting to fish more, especially since I get to reap the rewards.  Tonight's catch: a flounder & a speckled trout.

Now if I can just figure out how to make Anson's (in Charleston) crispy flounder...

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